A Surprise Day Away

A Surprise Day Away

It’s rare for me to not teach on Saturday… which made last Saturday all the more special.

Most know that I teach at a couple of French post-secondary schools during the school year, but I also do some online tutoring as well. Most are regular students that I’ve been working with for about a year. Among them, I have a number of Asian students, but don’t have many options for tutoring them, given the 6h time difference… Saturdays & Thursdays are typically my only options.

Last Saturday, I took a rare break.
Let me tell you about it…

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Winter to Spring

Winter to Spring

It was hard to believe, when I looked back at the blog, that February was the last post!

(It reminds me of writing letters back in the 80s & 90s… How often we began with “Sorry it’s taken me a while to respond to your letter…” – Can anyone relate?)

Ahhh… handwritten letters – a rare thing these days. Let me, however, get to the quick of things and bring you up to speed on a few of the goings on in the interim.

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