

Well, we wondered if Covid hadn’t finally come knocking at our door. Last Friday, Dominic came home from school and wasn’t feeling well. It lasted all weekend. He didn’t come to church on Sunday and we couldn’t do much on Monday as I was gone to Angers with the car all day.

With school back in full swing, the kids in public transportation, and the virus running rampant in France (we hit 30,000 new cases in 24 hours yesterday), you tend to think that to some extent, it’s only a matter of time.

We’ve constantly adhered to the notion that we will do all we can to respect the sanitary guidelines and social distancing, and we’ll trust the Lord for what we can’t control.

Dominic got tested on Tuesday and within a couple of hours, the test came back negative. *Phew* … and thank you Lord.

That was the beginning of our week…

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