

Well, we wondered if Covid hadn’t finally come knocking at our door. Last Friday, Dominic came home from school and wasn’t feeling well. It lasted all weekend. He didn’t come to church on Sunday and we couldn’t do much on Monday as I was gone to Angers with the car all day.

With school back in full swing, the kids in public transportation, and the virus running rampant in France (we hit 30,000 new cases in 24 hours yesterday), you tend to think that to some extent, it’s only a matter of time.

We’ve constantly adhered to the notion that we will do all we can to respect the sanitary guidelines and social distancing, and we’ll trust the Lord for what we can’t control.

Dominic got tested on Tuesday and within a couple of hours, the test came back negative. *Phew* … and thank you Lord.

That was the beginning of our week…

Covid Continued…

Still, the day after Dominic was tested (remember, he’d stayed home Monday & Tuesday) his school ended up shutting his class down anyway. One other student was also out getting tested, and a second student tested positive. They would finish the week learning remotely.

It kind of worked out ‘nicely’ if one can put it that way. Schools here have a 2-week break as of today, so it meant that he had an extra week at home. All things considered, he was actually more productive.

Thank you Lord for your protection!

It reminded me of some of the stories I’ve been reading of late in our friend Lynne Jewett’s book, ‘Disasters Minister’. Lynne is a friend who has been a missionary to Guatemala for many years. her book is a collection of testimonies about the Lord’s protection and faithfulness over years of living and working throughout Latin America as a single lady minister. Lynne is the real deal and you can find her book on Amazon.


On Sunday, after service, we did a zoom call with my Mom & Ed back in Moncton. It was nice to speak as it had been a while.

They too were dealing with Covid as New Brunswick, which had been a leader in containing the virus, in Canada, was back into a nasty uptick in cases.

We used to think it amazing that technology allowed us to all huddle in close, on the couch, to Facetime folks back home. How funny is it that now, thanks to ZOOM, the five of us were on 4 separate devices, around the house (less squishing on the couch) and yet all visible on the same screen?!

Translation / Editing

Liz has finally finished a project that has been on her plate since March: editing the translation of David Bernard’s ‘A History of Christian Doctrine’ the abridged volume.

Team-translated, Liz’s task meant going through to ensure consistency in terminology used and authentic ‘French-ness’ of the translation (ie. not just French words plugged into English sentence structure, for example).

Had we not all been home due to confinement, during the Spring, perhaps she’d have been able to make more headway and finish sooner, but alas, it did take her 2-3 weeks longer than she’d hoped.

She is now enjoying a well deserved break from translation for a couple of weeks before taking on something new.

Work Day

Last night was one of our semi-monthly prayer focus nights at the church and today we’ll spend most of the day there for a work day… tackling a few projects that fall outside the week-to-week things. So you’ll likely see a few pics of that next week.

Until then… thank you for stopping by. We need and value your support.
God bless you richly today!

2 responses

  1. Thank you God, that Dominic is ok-I have read that France was in a surge of cases. Cases here are high in my state-NC. I follow your way of thinking. Pleas pray for us all-elections are lust around the corner and either way, there is expected unrest. We are still experiencing unrest these last seven months anyway. We are in a bad way-the worst of my lifetime. What would I do without God? Love to your family. Michele

  2. Thank God indeed. Things in France are definitely not moving in the right direction and stricter measures were put in place this week (although they’re trying to avoid another full lockdown at all costs. I’m very pleased to be living OUT-side of the major infection / transmission zones. Country living has its perks! šŸ™‚ … as well you know.)

    I’m so saddened for what I see in the USA – such division. At times like the days we live in, it’s ever so much more evident that the Lord is a shelter in the time of storm.
    God bless you Michele

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